Dr. Frauke Schlieckau

Frauke Schlieckau  is founder and managing director of Bottega Berlin Productions. For Bottega Berlin Productions Frauke Schlieckau regularly produces magazine features for ZDF aspekte and 3Sat Kulturzeit as executive producer.  As a director, writer and executive producer, she has made numerous documentaries for broadcasters such as Arte, SRF and 3sat. Most recently “Frans Hals. Master of Joy” for Arte/ZDF.

Before she founded BBP she has been working in the cultural editorial department of  a large Berlin-based production company since 2013, most recently as editor-in-chief for Arte’s european cultural magazine Metropolis.

She also used to work as a cultural editor at the Second German Television ZDF where she worked on the the literary programme “Das blaue Sofa” amongst others. During this time, she moderated a series of talks  for the ZDF / 3Sat specials The Blue Sofa and The Long Night of the Blue Sofa at the book fairs in Frankfurt and Leipzig.

Frauke Schlieckau studied art history, German literature and theatre studies at the Freie Universität Berlin and the International University of San Servolo in Venice and was awared a PhD in Berlin. She holds an MBA Essentials Certificate from the London School of Economics (LSE), a Yale Female Leadership Certificate and an Arts & Heritage Management Certificate from the Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi. 

During her many years as a journalist, Frauke Schlieckau has succeeded in building up an extensive and international network of artists, creative people, and cultural and media professionals.

She is a member of the German Journalists Association and the Documentary Association of Europe, of the AG DOK and the German Association of Journalists.

Interviews (selection):

Culture: Willem Dafoe, Isabella Rossellini, Siri Hustvedt, Wim Wenders, Liam Gallagher, Mary J. Blige, Jamie Hince & Alison Mosshart, Moderat, Bob Geldof, Ebony Bones, Eric Burdon, Jonathan Safran Foer, Jérôme Bel, Sharon Eyal, Naomi Klein, Adam Green, August Diehl

Art: Ai Weiwei, Olafur Eliasson, Katharina Grosse, Tino Sehgal, Elmgreen & Dragset, Douglas Gordon, Germano Celant, Ragnar Kjartansson, Michael Armitage, El Anatsui, Harland Miller, Yinka Shonibare, Massimiliano Gioni, Ralph Rugoff, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Neil Beloufa, Pamela Rosenkranz, Oda Jaune, Julian Charrière, Julius von Bismarck, Christopher Rothko, Lee Ufan, Glenn Brown


Executive Producer:

Music of the future. How the classical music scene is reinventing itself. Script and Direction: Frauke Schlieckau. A Bottega Berlin Production. 30 min. SRF, 3Sat, NZZ

The “I in Art”. The history of the self-portrait.  Script and Direction: Frauke Schlieckau. A Bottega Berlin Production. 10 min. ZDF aspekte

Alexander Calder. Minimal. Maximal. Script and Direction: Frauke Schlieckau. A Bottega Berlin Production.4.30 min. ZDF aspekte, 2021

Porträt Mirna Funk. Script and Direction: Frauke Schlieckau. A Bottega Berlin Production.5 min. ZDF aspekte, 2021

Porträt Amina Aziz. Script and Direction: Frauke Schlieckau. A Bottega Berlin Production. 4.30 min. 3sat Kulturzeit, 2021

Rembrandt, habibi! Script and Direction: Frauke Schlieckau. A Bottega Berlin Production.4.30 min. ZDF aspekte, 2021

Documentaries (Script & Direction):

How Artificial Intelligence and robotics are revolutionizing art. Script and direction: Frauke Schlieckau 52 min. Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF). 53 min, 2021

Caspar David Friedrich. A wanderer between the worlds. A film by Nicola Graef and Frauke Schlieckau. A Lona Media Production. 52 min. Arte

Reload for the art world. How robotics and AI changing creativity. Script and Direction: Frauke Schlieckau. A Lona Media Production, 37 min. 3sat, 2021

Climate change in the arts. Script and Direction. 37 min. 3sat, 2020

Mensch. Herbert. A film with Herbert Grönemeyer by Hannes Rossacher and Frauke Schlieckau. 56. min. Arte, 2016

In search of happiness (1). A film by and with Wolfgang Herles. 45 min. ZDF, 2012

In search of happiness (2). A film by and with Wolfgang Herles. 45 min. ZDF, 2012

Reports (selection):

Forever Bicycle. The bicycle in art and pop culture. 26 min. Arte, 2018

Arte Re: The pleasure of flesh. Europe’s butcher revival. A film by Frauke Schlieckau and Lutz Ehrlich. 30 min. Arte, 2017


Short Documentaries (selection):

Metropolis Report Turin: Visiting Italy’s capital of contemporary art. Arte Metropolis

Metropolis Report Athens: The Greek capital in front of the Documenta. Arte Metropolis

Metropolis Report London: Following William Shakespeare’s footprints. Arte Metropolis

Metropolis Report Naples: Culture professionals fight against the Mafia. Arte Metropolis

Metropolis Report Milan: Is the Lombard capital ready for the Expo? Arte Metropolis

Metropolis Report Lisbon: With art from the crisis. Arte Metropolis


Short films:

Siri Hustvedt and Katharina Grosse on the significance of women in art. Arte Metropolis

Portrait of Douglas Gordon. 3Sat Kulturpalast

Ai Weiwei and “The Human Flow”. 3 Sat Kulturpalast

Portrait Liam Gallagher. 3Sat Kulturpalast

Hard Stop. Arte Tracks

Portrait Francesco Vezzoli. Deutsche Welle

Portrait Elmgreen & Dragset. Deutsche Welle

On tour with the Peaceboat. Arte Yourope

Free holidays in Europe. ZDF Today in Europe

Obituary to Michael Jackon. ZDF Aspekte

The Bauhaus in Tel Aviv. Swiss Television